Web Hosting Frequently Asked Questions

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web hosting faqDo you need to know about web hosting? You might be thinking “I don’t have time for this.” I hear that a lot. But the fact is, if you want your business website to work correctly and show up on search engines like Google, then yes, web hosting is important to learn about. Here we will answer some Web Hosting FAQs related to what it does and why it’s needed.

If you’re running an online business or looking for a new place to host your website, these web hosting FAQ’s will be of interest to you!

Ready? Here we go!

What is a web host?

A web host is a company that provides clients with server space and system administration for their websites.

What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is a service that allows an individual or company to make their website accessible

How does Web Hosting work?

Web hosting is the service that allows you to put your website on the internet for other people to see and use. Worried about technical jargon? Don’t be! It’s actually very simple. Just think of web hosting as a place where all of your files can live online, and along with them, anything else you want to be added to your website such as photos, videos, or even shopping carts.


What is Web Hosting and how does it work?

Web hosting is the service that allows you to put your website on the internet for other people to see and use.

A web hosting account is your way to publish your website on the Internet. In other words, it’s a virtual space that you can rent or own on which you can upload and store all of your website files on the web. Your domain name will point visitors to this location for access to your site

Worried about technical jargon?

Don’t be! It’s actually very simple. Just think of web hosting as a place where all of your files can live online, and along with them, anything else you want added to your site such as photos, videos or even shopping carts.

What kinds of hosting plans are there?

There are many different types of hosting plans available, from dedicated servers to shared hosting accounts. The kind you need will depend on the size and type of your website.

Shared – This type of hosting allows multiple sites to share a single server. This is the cheapest option, however your site may often be slowed down by other users on the server or even be offline without notice if another user’s site receives a high amount of traffic and slows the entire system down.

Virtual Private Server – Users have their own section of a server that other websites can not use or access (with some exceptions such as resource intensive scripts). This is the best option for most users and usually prevents other sites from affecting your own site’s performance.

Dedicated Server/Cloud – Users must share the server with no one else, but also have full control over the server and have the best performance.

Which web hosting is best for beginners in 2021?

If you’re just starting out, shared hosting is the best option for you because it doesn’t require much technical knowledge to set up. You can host your site on a server that other people are also using which means you’ll have less resources available but the process of setting up your site will be easier.

What should I consider before purchasing a web hosting plan?

Along with size and type, one thing you should take into consideration is the number of websites that you want to host. If you’re going to have a lot of sites, it’s best to get a dedicated server or a VPS.

What is a domain name?

A domain name is the web address for a site, such as “google.com” or “eirhost.com”.

What should I know about domain names?

Before getting a web hosting plan, be sure that you understand what domain name extensions are available for purchase. There are many different domains out there- .ie, .eu, .uk, .com, .org, .net- which require different prices and time commitments.”

Domain names are easy to remember and helpful in directing people to your website.

Customers may enter names into their browsers by hand or they can type your company’s name or one of its product names into a search engine instead, and go right to your site.”

How much does a domain name cost?

.ie domain name typically costs €24.99 per year and you can get the first year free if you order web hosting with us. A .com domain name costs €12.99 you can get the first year free if you order web hosting with us.

We recommend registering a .ie domain name if you are based in Ireland, it is also a good idea to register the .com version of your domain name if it is available to prevent competitors hijacking it.

For more information, contact us

Why should I buy my own web hosting and domain names?

Buying a hosting plan and domain name(s) gives you more control. It means that you have the option to easily change the look of your website, add or update content quickly and easily, and instantly update information about your products or services. Buying hosting also allows you to track visitor activity on your site.

How can I create a website?

There are many different ways to create websites and the method you choose will depend on your needs and specific preferences. There’s no “right” or “wrong” way to build a website.

The easiest way to create your website is to use a content management system such as Joomla! Or WordPress. Our hosting plans include a one click install system which will set everything up on your server. From there you can use free templates to customise the look of your website.

How much does web hosting cost?

Web hosting Start at €59.40 For the year, depending on the plan you choose.

If you order three years web hosting for €99, that price works out at only €2.75 per month

How many websites can I host on one web hosting account?

Some web hosts allow you to have as many websites as you want on one hosting account. However, while there is no limit to the number of sites you can host, Most hosting plans only have enough resources for a single website with a content management system. This means that if you install multiple sites on your hosting plan they may run slowly. Also, if all your websites are on the one account, if one of them gets hacked, the hacker will have access to all your websites.

For these reasons, we recommend that you get a single account for each website.

Can you change web hosting service?

Yes, you can transfer your web hosting to us. It’s not uncommon for people to switch web hosts or providers if they are unhappy with their current service. If you’re looking for a new web host, it’s important that the company you choose has comparable rates to your current company and an interface that is easy-to-use.”

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