if you are interested in keeping your website secure it’s important to understand what xmlrpc.php is and why you should disable it on your site. We are going to take a closer look at the purpose of xmlrpc.php, the potential risks associated with leaving it enabled, and explain how to safely disable this feature so your website remains secure from malicious attacks.

Introducing xmlrpc.php and its purpose in WordPress

If you’re a WordPress user, you might have come across the term xmlrpc.php and wondered what it does. Well, xmlrpc.php is a file included in WordPress hosting that enables remote publishing and communication between different systems.

With xmlrpc.php, you can use external tools to publish to your WordPress site, like mobile apps or desktop clients. It essentially allows for cross-platform communication and integration, giving users even more flexibility and control over their WordPress sites.

It was created back in the early days of WordPress when Internet connectivity was bad and the majority of people are using dial-up, xmlrpc.php was way to create your content off-line and then easily interact with your WordPress site to upload it.

This type of interaction is no longer needed with always on Internet so for a period of time there was an option on WordPress to disable xmlrpc.php but with the advent of the WordPress at which requires it there is no option to disable it in WordPress core any more.

Exploring xmlrpc.php vulnerabilities

WordPress has a vulnerability that hackers can exploit – the xmlrpc.php file. This file provides remote access to the site’s system, and hackers can use it to launch a variety of cyber attacks. It is therefore essential for website owners and administrators to be aware of this vulnerability and take necessary precautions to secure their sites. Let’s look at xmlrpc.php vulnerabilities and what steps you can take to protect yourself.

Why you should disable xmlrpc.php for security purposes

If you’re serious about securing your website, one thing you should definitely consider is disabling xmlrpc.php. This file is used by WordPress to allow external services to interact with your site, but it can also be a major security vulnerability. Hackers often use xmlrpc.php to launch brute force attacks and other malicious activities. By disabling this file, you can protect your site from these threats and make it much harder for attackers to gain access. It might seem like a minor step, but in the world of website security, every little bit helps.

Unfortunately, xmlrpc.php is a favourite target for brute force attacks, making it crucial to disable it if you don’t use it.

Attacks on your xmlrpc.php file can also slow your website down significantly or in some cases stop it from functioning altogether because multiple attacks on the file take up all your server resources allocated.

So if you haven’t disabled xmlrpc.php already, now is the time to do it.

How to disable xmlrpc.php with plugins or a manual method

Luckily, there are several plugins available that can help you disable xmlrpc.php with just a few clicks.

A good free plug-in is Disable XML-RPC-API

it can be easily installed in your WordPress dashboard.

If you prefer to do things manually, however, it’s also possible to easily disable xmlrpc.php without a plugin.

To do this go to cPanel and open files manager. You may need to click show hidden files in order to view your .htaccess file

Then add the following code:

<Files xmlrpc.php>

order deny,allow

deny from all


this code will prevent anybody from accessing the file.

Whether you choose the manual method or a plugin, disabling xmlrpc.php can help improve your site’s security and give you peace of mind.

Benefits of disabling xmlrpc.php and alternative solutions

XMLRPC.php is an outdated part of WordPress and is only needed if you are using a plug-in or app that logs into your site remotely. However, it can also be a huge security vulnerability if not used properly.

The most effective way to protect your website from potential malicious threats is by disabling the xmlrpc.php file entirely. This can be done simply by using plugins or the manual method within your WordPress dashboard. Doing so provides you with a strong sense of security and peace of mind that only comes from taking the proactive steps necessary to secure your website